Meet Our Volunteer Manager: Stacie Tornga

Feb 21, 2023 | Camp Rainbow Gold, Camps, Hidden Paradise, Volunteers

By Stacie Tornga, Previous Camper and Volunteer, now CRG’s Volunteer Manager —

My favorite part of working at CRG is the people I get to work and interact with. I get the opportunity to not only work in the office with supportive, kind, and hilarious people, but I also get to stay in contact with our amazing volunteers and find new volunteers who all share the same mission – give back in a very hands on way. I have been part of Camp for 21 years and it has been such a consistent bright light in my life and I’m so thankful for all of the staff, volunteers, and donors who make sure it will always be solid, safe, and an inspirational place for not only me, but everyone who continues to come. It’s such a gift to always be excited to head into the office or up to Hidden Paradise and work with an organization I’m so passionate about!

What I’m Working On

I’m very excited that I get to plan and lead trainings. I really enjoy using my experience as a camper and past volunteer to decide what I think would be beneficial and using my teaching experience to make trainings interactive. I have just completed the Leadership Training and now I’m working on a Junior Volunteer Training and our May Volunteer Training. Putting on these trainings always makes me incredibly nervous, because I know how much of an ask giving up a Saturday is, but I always enjoy it once it starts! It’s incredibly rewarding and I do believe if you aren’t doing things that scare you, you will never grow.

Camp’s Impact

I know that Camp has had an incredible impact on my life and if I hadn’t gone, my life would look incredibly different, in a way that I’m happy I will never know. I continue to form friendships and meet inspirational people because camp brings people together in such a beautiful way. I look forward to seeing Camp grow and create more memories for campers and volunteers alike.