Meet Our Board Members: Carlie Pedersen

Mar 13, 2023 | Camp Rainbow Gold, Camps, Programs and Families, Volunteers

— By Carlie Pedersen CRG Board Member and Former Camper, Scholarship Recipient, and Volunteer-


My journey with CRG began when I went to Oncology Camp as a 14-year-old. The CRG mission changed my life more than I could have imagined. Myself and my family were able to heal from our experience with cancer that I don’t think would have been possible without Camp. CRG and the people involved have influenced my life in so many ways and I’m so thankful for the program.


Being Part of the Board


I like being able to give back and help guide the organization that impacted my life so greatly. I also think it is important to provide the camper perspective on the board and I am honored to be able to do so. It is always special to collaborate with others in the community who understand the importance of the program as well. People should get involved with CRG because it impacts people’s lives more than they could imagine. Providing healing experiences for families affected by cancer is crucial for their journey through cancer. You will also meet so many amazing people and your life will be impacted in such a positive way.