It All Starts With an Idea

Every facet of Camp Rainbow Gold exists because of generous donations from the community at large. People all over Idaho think of inventive fundraisers — from bake sales to large galas, birthday gift drives to golf outings. We appreciate every effort to benefit Camp Rainbow Gold.

If you are hosting a fundraiser on behalf of Camp Rainbow Gold, please send us any details at We would be happy to post your event to our calendar and can provide logos or other items for your marketing efforts.

We’ve listed a few ideas below, but please use your imagination. All donations and fundraising events make our programs possible and help keep services free for the children and families we serve.

Giving Days or Events

Giving days or events are a great opportunity for your business to gain visibility, access to new customers, and promote goodwill, while also providing important donations and awareness for Camp Rainbow Gold. It’s a win-win! We’d be honored if your business or service would consider hosting a day or week during which a percentage of sales will be donated directly to camp.

Camp Rainbow Gold is happy to provide marketing materials and support for any fundraising events. If it is appropriate, we are also happy to staff an informational table or provide other support to raise awareness.

Gift Drives or Volunteer Days

What do you give the person who has everything? Gift drives are a great way to celebrate birthdays or other occasions and help support Camp Rainbow Gold at the same time. In lieu of birthday gifts, invite your guests to pick something off of our Camp wish list and gift items to our campers instead.

Volunteer days are another fun way to gather with your friends and family and celebrate a special occasion — all while serving your community. We have a lot of opportunities for volunteer activities at Hidden Paradise. If you’re interested in hosting a volunteer day, please contact us at info@camprainbowgold.

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

Social media platforms and online giving days have made it easy to create and share personal fundraisers on behalf of Camp Rainbow Gold. Share your CRG story and invite your network to learn more about the magic of camp.



Birthday, holiday or milestone fundraisers on Facebook are an easy way to invite your friends near and far to help you celebrate big occasions. To create a fundraiser for Camp Rainbow Gold on your birthday, or for any event big or small, click here or follow these steps:

  • Click “Fundraisers” in the left menu of your News Feed. You may need to click “See More”
  • Click “+Raise Money” or select “Nonprofit”
  • Search for and select Camp Rainbow Gold as the beneficiary
  • Fill in the fundraiser details and choose a cover photo
  • Click “Create”
  • Share with your friends

Donations made through Facebook will be distributed directly to Camp Rainbow Gold from donors, so there is no money or additional information you need to collect. Please make sure to tag us on Facebook by using @camprainbowgoldinc in your posts so we might share your fundraiser, as well.



Instagram currently offers a fundraising option for users through the Stories feature or through Live Videos. To raise money for Camp Rainbow Gold through Instagram, start by creating a Story from a photo or video. Before you post your story, you can add stickers to enhance your post.

Tap the “Stickers” button at the top of your screen and select the “Donation” sticker. Search for and select Camp Rainbow Gold, then customize the name of your fundraiser.

When people see your story with the donation sticker, they can tap Donate and give to Camp Rainbow Gold. Donations will be distributed directly to CRG from Instagram. You can swipe up from your story to see the total amount raised, but there is no other information you need to collect or provide.

You may also be able to create a fundraiser through an Instagram Live video. For more information and to check if this feature is available for your profile, click here.

Please make sure to tag us at @camprainbowgold and use the hashtags #camprainbowgold or #crg.


Idaho Gives

Each year, the state of Idaho celebrates its nonprofit organizations and the charitable nature of our community through Idaho Gives. This unique event, beginning at the end of April, features organizations from all over the state telling their stories and introducing their missions.

You can support Camp Rainbow Gold during Idaho Gives by becoming a Peer-to-Peer fundraiser. You’ll create a personal fundraising page through the Idaho Gives platform and have the opportunity to tell your CRG story, introduce Camp to new friends and neighbors, and come together to help Camp Rainbow Gold reach our Idaho Gives fundraising goals.

We’ll prepare social media content and email templates to use or share. We aim to make the experience as easy as possible for you — just bring your passion and heart for Camp Rainbow Gold.

To become an Idaho Gives Peer-to-Peer fundraiser, please contact us at or 208-350-4635.